Flowering in Response to Winter
BlogASPB Conviron Research Presentation created by Bryony Yates
Phase Separation and Plant Biology
BlogASPB Conviron Independent Project created by Yanniv Dorone
Introduction to Plant Domestication
BlogASPB Conviron Independent Project 2018-2019 Created by Aimee Schulz
For my independent project, I decided to create an accessible and easily modified lesson plan that teachers can use to incorporate plant domestication into their current curriculum. After talking with my high school teachers, I wanted…
Starch Biosynthesis in Sweet Corn
BlogASPB Conviron Research Presentation by Christina Finegan
Apollo 11 50th Anniversary Reflection: Dr. Sarah Wyatt
BlogAn Interview with Dr. Sarah Wyatt by Nathan Scinto-Madonich
Dr. Sarah Wyatt is a Professor and Director of Molecular and Cellular Biology at Ohio University, where her lab studies plant signaling, gravitropism, and the transition of floral dimorphisms. Dr. Wyatt’s lab has had two research projects…
Recognizing Plant Physiology first authors: Minxia Zou
Plant Physiology, Plant Physiology: Author ProfilesMinxia Zou, first author of The auxin transport inhibitor targets villin-mediated actin dynamics to inhibit auxin transport
Current Position: PhD candidate in College of Life Science, Beijing Normal University
Education: Sept 2019 – now, Ph.D. candidate in Beijing Normal University; Sept 2011 –…
Recognizing Plant Physiology first authors: Jeh Haur Wong
Plant Physiology, Plant Physiology: Author ProfilesJeh Haur Wong, first author of Mutation of a conserved motif of PP2C.D phosphatases confers SAUR immunity and constitutive activity
Current Position: Postdoctoral associate, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities
Education: PhD, Nara Institute of Science and Technology (NAIST), Japan
Recognizing Plant Cell first authors: Tina Schreier
The Plant Cell, The Plant Cell: Author ProfilesTina Schreier, first author of LIKE SEX4 1 acts as a β-amylase-binding scaffold on starch granules during starch degradation
Current Position: SNF Early Postdoc Mobility Fellow in the group of Prof. Julian Hibberd, Department of Plant Sciences, University of Cambridge
Education: PhD in Plant Biochemistry…