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Review: Coastal wetland blue carbon

Coastal wetlands (mangroves, tidal marshes and seagrasses) are important carbon sinks, in both biomass and soils. Howard et al. describe and quantify the carbon flow through these different coastal ecosystems, and their potentials as long-term carbon sinks. Unlike the open ocean, these coastal ecosystems…

Luminaries: Imre Somssich

BY PRATEEK TRIPATHI, ASPB Student Ambassador, Postdoc Fellow, University of Southern California (First published July 2013) Group Leader, Max Planck Institute of Plant Breeding Research, Cologne, Germany What got you interested in plant biology in general, and what influences directed you to your specific…

Luminaries: Richard Richards

BY SAMBASIVAM PERIYANNAN, ASPB Student Ambassador, Postdoctoral Fellow at CSIRO Plant Industry (Originally published March 2015) CSIRO Fellow, CSIRO Plant Industry, Canberra, Australia Richard Richards’s research interests are to understand the genetic and physiological basis of variation in growth,…