Career building: Where do you want to do and how will you get there?
Careers, Finding Your Next Position, General Information0 Comments
From a talk in April 2016, slides and summaries about the post-PhD job hunt.
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21 Proofreading and Editing Tips for Writers
Careers, Skills and Advice, Writing/Reviewing/Publishing/CommunicatingProofreading can be a chore, but if you send out your work full of typos and grammatical errors you won't be judged by the good quality of your ideas....
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Peer Review 101: Advice for Trainees, Junior Faculty, and Mentors
Careers, Skills and Advice, Writing/Reviewing/Publishing/CommunicatingPeer review, meaning a critical assessment by experts within a discipline, is both a privilege and the responsibility of all scientists who seek to publish their research and compete for funding. Peer review also contributes to professional development: Many institutions consider peer review activities…
Mining the Gap: Assessing Leadership Needs to Improve 21st Century Plant Pathology
Plant Science Research Weekly, Research
Plant pathologists like all other scientists are imparted scientific knowledge and technical expertise, building the educational side of their career. Beckerman and Schneider emphasize the pressing needs of teaching ‘soft skills’ scientists need in order to improve their leadership and professional…
Small Changes in Teaching: The Last 5 Minutes of Class
Careers, Careers - Blog, Skills and Advice"Don’t waste them trying to cram in eight more points or call out as many reminders as possible"
One of a series of article by James Lang in the Chronicle of Higher Education on small changes that can make your teaching much better. The article includes links to his other columns.
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Adaptive evolution of complex traits explored through genome biogeography
Plant Science Research Weekly, Research
It has been stated that adaptive evolution occurs in plant populations with respect to various complex traits. Olofsson et al. validated the hypothesis that different components of a complex trait can evolve in isolation and later be combined by gene flow by using C4 photosynthesis as a study system.…
E/quality and Diversity
Careers - Blog, Workplace Diversity
Recently, I was asked it if is ethical to give a job to a woman rather than to a man of higher quality. I replied, “How do we measure “quality”? This is the longer answer that I didn’t have time to provide. The opinions expressed are my own.
Achievement does not equal quality
Transcript, protein and metabolite dynamics in CAM-plant Agave ($)
Plant Science Research Weekly, Research
Crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) is a specialized form of photosynthesis that greatly increases water-use efficiency by taking up CO2 through stomata that are open at night (when evapotranspiration is low). Engineering plants that can switch to CAM during periods of drought is a key goal towards…
Construction of a male sterility system for hybrid rice production via nuclear male sterility gene
Plant Science Research Weekly, Research
Traditionally, the production of hybrid maize seed involved the removal of male flowers to prevent self-fertilization of the female flowers. Rice produces bisexual flowers, so mechanical emasculation is not as amenable. Therefore, hybrid rice production requires that the female parent be genetically…