Zunyang Song: Plant Physiology First Author

Zunyang Song, first author of “F-box protein EBF1 and transcription factor ABI5-like regulate banana fruit chilling-induced ripening disorder”

Current Position: Postdoctor (South China Agricultural University)

Education:Bachelor and Master (Shandong Agricultural University)

Doctor(South China Agricultural University)

Non-scientific Interests: Mountain climbing, play badminton

Brief bio: Dr. Zunyang Song work on the field of postharvest science of horticultural products during the master, doctor and post-doctorate stages. His research work mainly focus on the fruit ripening regulation and the possible mechanism. In 2017, Zunyang Song joined in the research group of Professor Xueping Li, from the College of Horticulture, South China Agricultural University, and started to work on the ripening disorder of Fenjiao banana fruit. Fenjiao is a very popular special banana cultivar, which requires the fruit with high harvested maturity in production, to obtain the good quality and flavor of the variety. Therefore, the Fenjiao bananas are more tend to ripening and senescence than other banana cultivars after harvest. Low temperature storage can effectively delay fruit ripening and senescence, but unsuitable storage temperature or too low field temperature can cause chilling injury to Fenjiao banana, causing ripening disorder. Ethylene plays an important role in the ripening and softening of Fenjiao banana fruit. In the present study, we investigated the possible mechanism of the ethylene signal transduction factor EBF1 in the cold stress induced ripening disorder of the Fenjiao banana fruit. We found that EBF1 interacts with ABI5-like protein and enhances the regulation of ABI5-like on starch and cell wall degradation-related genes. The transient and ectopicc overexpression of EBF1 and ABI5-like genes in Fenjiao banana and tomato accelerated fruit ripening and softening via regulating genes in starch and cell wall degradation, indicating that they play an important role in the fruit ripening process. Several works on the mechanism of ripening disorder caused by unsuitable postharvest handling of Fenjiao bananas have been published in international journals such as Plant physiology, Postharvest biology and technology, and Biomolecules.





个人简介:宋遵阳博士,硕士、博士和博士后各阶段主要从事园艺产品采后科学领域的研究,主研究方向是果蔬成熟衰老机制及其调控保鲜技术。宋遵阳2017年加入华南农业大学园艺学院李雪萍教授课题组,开始从事粉蕉果实后熟障碍机制方面的研究。粉蕉是深受欢迎的特色香蕉,生产上要求粉蕉采收时果实饱满度较高,成熟后才能表现出该品种应有的品质和风味。因此粉蕉采后比一般的香蕉更容易成熟和变质腐烂。低温贮藏可有效延缓果实成熟衰老,但是贮运温度不适或田间温度过低都可导致粉蕉果实产生冷害,进而出现后熟障碍。乙烯在粉蕉果实成熟软化中起着重要作用。因此我们研究乙烯信号传导因子EBF1在低温胁迫导致粉蕉果实后熟障碍中的作用机制。我们的研究发现,EBF1可以与ABA信号传导因子ABI5-like蛋白互作,增强ABI5-like对淀粉和细胞壁降解相关基因的调控。并且发现EBF1和ABI5-like瞬时转基因和异源番茄转基因都可显著促进粉蕉和番茄果实的成熟软化,表明它们在果实成熟过程中起着重要作用。有关粉蕉后熟障碍机理的系列研究结果发表在Plant  physiology、Postharvest biology and technology、Biomolecules等国际主流刊物。