Zhiqiang Liu: The Plant Cell Author Profile

Zhiqiang Liu, co-first author of “Antagonistic regulation of target genes by the SISTER OF TM3–JOINTLESS2 complex in tomato inflorescence branching”

Current Position: Ph.D. at Institute of Vegetables and Flowers, Chinese Academy of Agriculture Sciences, China

Education: Bachelor at Huazhong Agricultural University

Non-scientific Interests: Sports and Music

Brief bio: In 2018, I joined Prof. Xia Cui’s lab for my master and Ph.D. During these years, I learned the analytical methods of bioinformatics and provided technical supports for the laboratory. My main research direction is mining the correlation between key traits and evolutionary trajectory of transcription factors in whole plant. In this study, we found fine antagonistic regulatory mode through STM3 and J2, two opposite regulators of tomato inflorescence branching. Currently, I am interested in Multi-Omics data analysis and I will use bioinformatics technology to finish my projects.