Zhihao Jiang: Plant Physiology First Author

Zhihao Jiang, first author of “Barley stripe mosaic virus γb protein targets thioredoxin h-type 1 to dampen salicylic acid–mediated defenses”

Current Position: Post-doc, Center for Plant Molecular Biology, University of Tübingen (ZMBP), Tübingen, Germany

Education: Ph.D. in college of Biological Sciences, China Agricultural University, Beijing, China; B.S from Shandong Agricultural University, Tai’an, China.

Non-scientific Interests: Hiking, Cooking, Travel, Swimming, Basketball

Brief bio: My interest in plant virology began in my undergraduate life at Shandong Agricultural University at Prof. Xiangdong Li’s lab, and I chose the lab of Molecular Plant Virology at China Agricultural University for my Ph.D. training (Supervisor: Prof. Dawei Li and Prof. Yongliang Zhang). During my Ph.D., I used Barley stripe mosaic virus (RNA virus) as a model to study the plant-virus interactions. From 2022, I joined Prof. Rosa Lozano-Durán’s lab at University of Tübingen to further study molecular plant-geminivirus (DNA virus) interactions.

姓名: 姜志豪

目前职位: 博士后(德国图宾根大学植物分子生物学中心)

教育经历: 博士毕业于中国农业大学生物学院, 本科毕业于山农农业大学植物保护学院

兴趣: 徒步, 厨艺, 旅行, 游泳, 篮球

个人简介: 我对于植物病毒学的兴趣起始于本科期间在山东农业大学植物保护学院李向东教授实验室的毕业设计, 随后在研究生期间加入中国农业大学生物学院, 师从李大伟教授和张永亮教授。在博士期间, 我以大麦条纹花叶病毒(一种植物RNA病毒)为模式, 研究病毒在寄主植物体内的运动过程, 以及植物病毒如何逃逸宿主的抗病毒过程。自2022年起, 我以博士后身份加入德国图宾根大学Rosa Lozano-Durán教授实验室继续探索植物病毒学的奥秘, 我的研究将聚焦于植物-双生病毒(一种植物DNA病毒)的相互作用。