Yusdar Mustamin: Plant Physiology First Author

Yusdar Mustamin, first author of FER and LecRK show haplotype-dependent cold-responsiveness and mediate freezing tolerance in Lotus japonicus 

Current position:

Assistant Professor in Graduate School of Life Sciences, Tohoku University, Japan


PhD in Life Sciences, Tohoku University, Japan


Non-scientific interests:

Camping, walking, cooking

 Brief bio:

After completing my master degree, I came to Japan and joined with Prof. Shusei Sato team in the Laboratory of Symbiosis Genomics of Graduate School of Life Sciences, Tohoku University to pursue my PhD. I am interested in molecular biology and evolutionary biology, particularly interested in how plants develop and respond to environmental changes. I conducted my doctoral as well as my postdoctoral research to elucidate the molecular mechanisms for overwintering phenotype in model legume plant, Lotus japonicus, that controlled by natural variations. In this study, we carried out the combination between genome wide association (GWA) scan and gene expression profiling to identified the candidate genes. It is exciting for me to identified the genes that mediate freezing tolerance and have likely contributed to the climate adaptation in the perennial plants. It is hoped that our research will provide broad implications for selecting or engineering frost tolerance in crops.