Yanbin Yin: Plant Physiology First Author

Yanbin Yin, first author of “Two Interacting Basic Helix-Loop-Helix Transcription Factors Control Flowering Time in Rice”

Current PositionPh.D. candidate, Rice Research Institute, College of Agronomy, Shenyang Agricultural University


Sep. 2018. 09 ~ now, Ph.D. candidate in crop science at Shenyang Agricultural University;

Sep. 2014.09 ~ Jul. 2017, Master of Crop Genetics and Breeding, Northeast Agricultural University;

Sep. 2010 ~ Jul. 2014, Bachelor of Agronomy, Northeast Agricultural University;

Non-scientific interestsWatch historical documentaries

Brief biography: In 2018, I had the honor to join Professor Xiaoxue Wang ‘s laboratory to conduct research on rice molecular biology. Under the careful supervise of Prof. Wang, I began learning plasmid vector construction and focusing on the molecular mechanism on the flowering time control in rice. Rice flowering time is an important agronomic trait. Photoperiod is an important environmental factor to regulate flowering time in rice. Hd1 is one of the key factors in rice photoperiodic control of flowering time control. We discovered that two basic Helix-Loop-Helix transcriptional factors, such as HBP1 and POH1, can regulate flowering time in rice through directly binding to the promoter of Hd1 and activate its expression.

论文:Two Interacting Basic Helix-Loop-Helix Transcription Factors Control Flowering Time in Rice.


目前职位:沈阳农业大学农学院水稻研究所 博士在读


  1. 09 ~ 至今 沈阳农业大学作物学博士在读;
  2. 09 ~ 2017. 07 东北农业大学作物遗传育种学硕士;
  3. 09 ~ 2014. 07 东北农业大学农学学士

兴趣爱好:喜欢看历史记录片 分子生物学

