Xiong Min: Plant Physiology First Author

Xiong Min, first author of “Brassinosteroids regulate rice seed germination through the BZR1-RAmy3D transcriptional module”

Current position: Lecturer, Yancheng Institute of Technology, Jiangsu, China

Education: Ph.D. from Yangzhou University, Jiangsu, China (2021)

Non-scientific Interests: reading, swimming

Brief bio: I graduated from Yangzhou University in 2015 with a bachelor’s degree in agriculture. Then, I entered the research group of Professor Qiaoquan Liu in Agricultural College of Yangzhou University, and started my postgraduate studies. With the guidance of Professor Qiao-Quan Liu and Professor Qian-Feng Li, I focused on revealing the molecular mechanism of how brassinosteroid and gibberellin coordinate rice seed germination. We hope to establish a phytohormone-mediated molecular network for regulating rice seed germination, which will provide new targets and ideas for improving seed dormancy and germination characteristics through molecular breeding in the future.




