Won C. Yim: The Plant Cell Author

Won C. Yim, co-first author of “The final piece of the Triangle of U: Evolution of the tetraploid Brassica carinata genome”

Current Position: Assistant Professor in the Department of Biochemistry at the University of Nevada, Reno, USA.

Education: Ph. D in Dept. Plant Biotechnology at the Dongguk University, Seoul, Korea

Non-scientific Interests: Golf

Brief bio: Won Yim is assistant professor of biochemistry and molecular biology department. Yim’s lab studies plant genomics, including how genome organization affects gene expression, phenotypes, and genomic plasticity. On-going projects include the assembly and analysis of multiple genomes and transcriptomes such as Brassica carinata, ice plant, Opuntia, Teff and potato. We participate in open-source software development projects and other initiatives that aim to improve data sharing and adherence to standards among those involved in information resource management in plant biology.