Wei-wei Zhang: Plant Physiology First Author
Wei-wei Zhang, co-first author of “FvWRKY48 binds to the pectate lyase FvPLA promoter to control fruit softening in Fragaria vesca”
Current position: Postdoctor, College of Plant Science and Technology, Beijing University of Agriculture
Education: PhD (China Agricultural University)
Non-scientific interests: Cooking, travelling
Brief Bio: During my master’s degree, my mentor, Fang Ke-feng showed me how to use confocal and TEM microscope. I was enthralled by the fascinating world behind the microscope. Then I went to Prof. Jia Wen-suo’s Lab for my PhD study, I was really fortunate to have two professors (Prof. Jia Wen-suo and Prof. Xing Yu) who guided my research on strawberry fruit development and softening during this time. After that, I worked in Prof. Qin Ling and Prof. Xing Yu’s Lab, where I studied the regulation mechanism of a transcript factor upstream of pectate lyase gene in strawberry. In particular, I would like thank Prof. Xing Yu, teachers and friends, for providing me with a strong scientific foundation and teaching me how to locate and solve problems, while avoiding impatience.