The MIEL1-ABI5/MYB30 regulatory module fine tunes abscisic acid signaling during seed germination (JIPB)
Plant Science Research WeeklyAbscisic acid (ABA) is a phytohormone that plays a crucial role in the inhibition of seed germination, and the transcription factor ABI5 is the final and common downstream factor that represses germination. Many proteins are known to inhibit ABI5, such as the mediator complex subunit MED25 or other transcription…
Review: Embryo-endosperm interactions ($) (Annu Rev Plant Biol)
Plant Science Research WeeklyAngiosperm seed formation is an incredibly complex process, considering that it requires coordinating the development of three distinct structures –the embryo, the endosperm and the seed coat– in a small space. However, Doll and Ingram show us that angiosperms faced this challenge by evolving a complex…
Shielding the oil reserves: the scutellum as a source of chemical defenses (Plant Physiol.)
Plant Science Research WeeklyIf you work with grasses, you are probably familiar with the scutellum –the shield-like cotyledon typical of seeds from these plants. This structure has a renowned role in transferring nutrients to the growing embryo. However, Murphy and colleagues show us that not only does this structure look like…
Review: The great diversity in kinds of seed dormancy (Seed Sci. Res.) ($)
Plant Science Research WeeklyIn 1967, Marianna G. Nikolaeva presented the first detailed system to classify seed dormancy based on its causes and the conditions required to break it. Later in 2004, Jerry and Carol Baskin devised a hierarchical classification system based on Nikolaeva’s proposal, which has been widely used by seed…
The sweet and musky scent of home: biogenic ethylene fine-tunes seed germination in wetlands (Plant Biol.)
Plant Science Research WeeklyLight, temperature, substrate moisture and oxygen availability are renowned germination triggers for wetland species. However, wetlands sediments are a significant source of gases that might shape the species germination behavior, such as ethylene –a renowned germination promoter. Still, little is…
Expression analyses in Ginkgo biloba provide new insights into the evolution and development of the seed (Sci. Reports)
Plant Science Research WeeklySeed production was a decisive adaptation that appeared during plant evolution. Not in vain! The most diverse plant lineage today is that of the so-called seed plants, a group that includes gymnosperms and angiosperms. Therefore, it is not surprising that understanding seed origin and evolution has been…
Many roads to success: different combinations of life-history traits provide accurate germination timing in seasonally dry environments ($) (Oiokos)
Plant Science Research WeeklyEnsuring that seeds germinate in the most suitable conditions for seedling establishment is critical for plant fitness, especially in environments where water is not readily available all year. Seed dormancy is considered to be the primary mechanism to achieve this. Still, many other different life-history…
Seed biologists beware: End-of-trial estimation of initial viability may be error-prone (preprints)
Plant Science Research WeeklyAssessing the viability of ungerminated seeds at the end of a trial is a common practice in seed germination experiments. By doing this, researchers aim to establish the number of viable seeds that were sown in an experiment and estimate germination parameters accordingly. Still, can we be sure that…
Opinion: Seeds as natural capital (Trends Plant Sci)($)
Plant Science Research WeeklyPlants are increasingly being recognized for their contributions to human wellbeing. However, most attention has been given to services provided by adult plants or those derived from their interaction with pollinators. In this exciting piece, Mattana and colleagues advocate for the importance of seeds…