Financial Security
Blog0 Comments
A guest post contributed by Andrew D. Hanson, Horticultural Sciences Dept. at the University of Florida
You can’t guarantee your own financial security. No employer or government can guarantee it for you. But while there can be no certainty about the financial future there are some timeless principles…

President's Letter—Securing the Future of Plant Biologists
BlogGuest post by Rob Last, ASPB President
ASPB News • January/February 2019 • Volume 46, Number 1
Note: To help increase the usefulness of the President’s Letter and expand participation in ASPB, a collection of resources from other community members that are relevant to this topic are available…

A new approach to graduate professional development; lessons learned from a leadership retreat
Blog, Careers - BlogIf you had 48 free hours, what are the odds you’d spend them at a leadership retreat? Prior to my own experience I would have said “not likely”. After all, I’m a second-year graduate student with coursework, experiments, and TA responsibilities clamoring for my time. I’m also a member of the…

From whole plant physiology to food security: a career journey
BlogGuest post by Melissa D. Ho – Vice President, Freshwater, World Wildlife Fund-US
When Rob asked me to write something on security, I must admit I had a blank page for a couple of weeks. I decided to offer a perspective that is familiar to me and see if I could translate this to something relevant…

US Students are experiencing food insecurity, so what can we do to help?
BlogThe decrease in food security for students is a troublingly common problem on university campuses.
Guest post by Sterling Field
I often frame my research on plant adaptation to flooding in terms of the need for food security in a changing climate. While this is a great way to start a conversation…