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Review: Stem cells of the vascular cambium

Vascular cambium cells are meristematic cells responsible for secondary growth. Lineage tracing studies in Arabidopsis and poplar show the presence of single bifacial stem cells in each radial cell file that produce xylem inwards and phloem cells outwards. In a recent review, Wybouw et al. discuss the…

Enhancing plants’ capability of P uptake to feed the world

Hu et al. uncover a major regulatory model that can enhance plants’ P uptake from soils. By Dandan Hua, Hengyou Zhangb and Dan Zhanga a Collaborative Innovation Center of Henan Grain Crops, College of Agronomy, Henan Agricultural University, Zhengzhou,…

A single phosphorylation event alters root behavior

Siao et al. demonstrate that single phosphorylation on a protein alters root behavior in Arabidopsis. By Wei Siao and Eugenia Russinova, VIB-UGent Center for Plant Systems Biology Background: Plant roots react to their environment by using hormone signaling…

Review: Root cell types as an interface for biotic interactions (TIPS)

Kawa and Brady review the contributions and responses of individual cell types and cell identities in plant biotic interactions, both pathogenic and commensal. The first step in these interactions is the perception of the microbes by root cells, which involves highly conserved microbe-associated molecular…

How to Thrive under Stress: Stay True to Your Roots

Groen et al. investigate the genes and traits under selection when rice experiences drought.  By Simon C. “Niels” Groen a,b and Amelia Henryc a Institute of Integrative Genome Biology and Department of Nematology, University of California at Riverside, Riverside, CA, USA; b Center for Genomics…