At the right time and in the right place: WPRs functions in maize stomatal development
The Plant Cell: In a NutshellNan et al. examine the localization of key factors in maize stomatal development.
Qiong Nan and Michelle Facette
Department of Biology, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA, 01003, USA
Background: Stomata are small pores on the plant surface that open and close to allow gas exchange––allowing…

Developmental functions of Marchantia ROP
Plant Science Research WeeklyPrecise control of cell division is an important requirement for proper development in multicellular organisms. Rho-like GTPases from Plants (ROPs) are key conserved regulators of cell polarity and morphogenesis, however, it is unknown if ROP signaling pathways regulate cell division patterning and meristem…

A spatiotemporal molecular switch governs plant asymmetric cell division (Nature Plants)
Plant Science Research WeeklyIn multicellular organisms, stem cells produce various cell types through asymmetric cell division (ACD), which is achieved is through polarization of cell-fate determinant proteins in the ACD progenitor cells. In Arabidopsis stomatal development, an ACD progenitor cell, the meristemoid mother cell (MMC),…