Repairing a detrimental domestication variant improves tomato harvests
Blog, Plant Science Research WeeklyDomesticated plants and animals are remarkable human achievements but were achieved with rather blunt instruments. With the benefit of hindsight, we can now see that some of the genes and alleles that passed through the population bottlenecks and artificial selection process are deleterious. Glaus et…

Review: Stem cells for crop improvement
Plant Science Research WeeklyPlants, like animals, have small populations of stem cells capable of differentiating into other tissues, but in plants these stem cell populations are even more long-lived and versatile. Stem cells in plants include the meristems (shoot and root apical meristems, inflorescence and axillary meristems)…

Tree or bush? It’s all in the hormones
Plant Science Research WeeklyMuch of our understanding of the molecular underpinning that control shoot architecture comes from studies of annual plants such as Arabidopsis, pea, and rice. This new work by Su et al. investigates shoot branching in a long-lived tree, silver birch (Betula pendula). They started with a naturally occurring…

Splicing factor represses rice tillering by stabilizing strigolactone signal transmission
The Plant Cell: In a NutshellLiu et al. identify a monocot-specific splicing factor that elucidates a link between splicing and plant development through strigolactone signaling.
By Tianzhen Liu, Qibin Lin
National Key Facility for Crop Gene Resources and Genetic Improvement, Institute of
Crop Sciences, Chinese Academy…