Gravitropism with a pinch of salt: Changes in cell wall composition modulate root growth direction in saline conditions
Plant Science Research WeeklySoil salinization causes massive yield losses in agriculture, and its impact on plants goes beyond what our eyes can see. Roots are immediately affected by the direct exposure to a salt-(NaCl) rich substrate. Here, Zou et al. investigate the salt-induced altered root gravitropic responses in Arabidopsis…

Development of a low-cost plant phenotyping facility
Plant Science Research WeeklyNew technologies, like personal computers or smart phones, often have limited adoption due to their high cost or requirement for advanced technological skills. Greater affordability and ease of use leads to greater adoption. Here, Yu, Sussman et al. describe the development of an affordable, portable…

Relevance of hop terroir for beer flavor (J. Inst. Brew.)
Plant Science Research WeeklyBeer is a simple beverage, basically fermented barley sugars. But recently, it’s been all about the hops. Hops are buds of Humulus lupulus, a member of the Cannabaceae family, and from humble origins they have been carefully bred and selected, resulting in many varieties with different aroma and flavor…