HY5a regulates winter dormancy in poplar
The Plant Cell: In a NutshellGao, Chen et al. explore the regulatory mechanisms governing winter dormancy in trees.
Yongfeng Gao, Zihao Chen and Yinan Yao
School of Life Science and Engineering, Southwest University of Science and Technology, 621010 Mianyang, China

A molecular module in gibberellin signaling-mediated flowering
The Plant Cell: In a NutshellZhang and Jian et al. reveal an epigenetic regulatory mechanism underlying gibberellin signaling-mediated flowering.
By Chunyu Zhang and Xingliang Hou; South China Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou, China
Background: The timing…

A handshake between auxin and gibberellin in the cambium
The Plant Cell: In a NutshellHu et al. demonstrate how the interactions of gibberellin and auxin signaling components regulate cambial activity during wood formation in poplar.
By Jian Hu, Changzheng Xu, and Keming Luo
Background: In trees, the vascular cambium is the population of stem cells that laterally divide and as…

Hormone crosstalk orchestrates root development
The Plant Cell: In a NutshellQin et al. identify a mechanism by which ethylene activates gibberellin catabolism to determine primary root growth in rice.
Hua Qin and Rongfeng Huang
Biotechnology Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences
Background: The optimization of root architecture is one of the…

GA-GRF module – A key regulator of rice leaf length via spatial cell division control (New Phytol)
Plant Science Research WeeklyLeaf features have undergone significant changes during the course of evolution and domestication owing to ecological adaptations and changes in source-sink dynamics. Therefore, wild relatives of crop plants are important resources for exploring the genetic regulation of leaf features that might not…