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Shoot impairments upon root waterlogging

In this article by Haverroth et al., the authors explore plant-water dynamics in the shoot during and after waterlogging, using as a model Phaseolus vulgaris, which is particularly sensitive to waterlogging. One of the interesting findings is that early after waterlogging and prior to leaf dehydration,…

Review: How plant roots respond to waterlogging

As the hottest year on record, 2023 has truly been a global annus horribilis during which humans, other animals, and domesticated and wild plants have faced unprecedented environmental challenges. In the past month alone, torrential rainfalls have wreaked havoc in Asia, the Middle East, and many parts…

The vacuolar H+/Ca transporter CAX1 participates in submergence and anoxia stress responses (Plant Physiol)

Calcium (Ca) signaling is one of the primary plant responses to confront abiotic stresses. To coordinate Ca levels in the different compartments of the cell, several transporters are needed including the H+/Ca exchangers (CAXs) in the tonoplast (vacuolar membrane). While the role of calcium signaling…

Ethylene augments root hypoxia tolerance through amelioration of reactive oxygen species and growth cessation (bioRxiv)

Flooding presents a dual threat to plants; not only is mitochondrial respiration supressed during the resulting hypoxic conditions, but once the floodwaters recede, the return to ambient oxygen levels triggers a cascade of harmful reaction oxygen species (ROS). One of the most well-studied responses…