Epigenetic clocks in plants: uncovering DNA methylation decay in aging
Plant Science Research WeeklyWhat if plants could teach us about aging? Understanding how and why living organisms age is a fundamental question in biology and medicine. While most research focuses on humans, the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana offers unique insights into how organisms age. In a recent study, Dai et al. analyzed…
SAM-seq: A novel approach for unraveling plant epigenetic complexity
Plant Science Research WeeklyThe complex interplay between nucleosome positioning, DNA methylation, and chromatin accessibility is crucial for genome regulation in eukaryotic organisms. However, current chromatin profiling methods, which rely on short-read sequencing, fail to characterize highly repetitive genomic regions and cannot…
RPT2a regulates inflorescence meristem indeterminacy
The Plant Cell: In a Nutshell Yao, Wang et al. identify the mechanisms regulating inflorescence meristem determinacy in Arabidopsis.
By Wang Jinsong Yao1, Yi Peng Wang1, Jing Peng1, Pei Pei Yin1, Hengbin Gao1, Li Xu1,
Thomas Laux2, Xian Sheng Zhang1, and Ying Hua Su1
Epigenetic regulation during rice domestication and de-domestication
The Plant Cell: In a NutshellCao et al. investigate the role of epigenetic variation in rice domestication and de-domestication. The Plant Cell (2023).
By Shuai Cao1,2 and Qingxin Song1
1 State Key Laboratory of Crop Genetics and Germplasm Enhancement, Nanjing Agricultural University,…
DNA demethylation is important for imprinted gene expression in maize endosperm but may do more
The Plant Cell: In a NutshellGent et al. characterize a classical maize mutant and find insights into genomic imprinting and DNA methylation in endosperm
Jonathan I. Gent, Department of Plant Biology, University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602, USA
In 1970, Jerry Kermicle reported that maize kernels could have…