The catalytic domain of cellulose synthase: More than just cellulose biosynthesis
The Plant Cell: In a NutshellHuang et al. demonstrate that the conserved catalytic domain of cellulose synthase 6 (CESA6) is involved in trafficking, protein dynamics, and complex formation. The Plant Cell (2023)
Lei Huang,1,2 Weiwei Zhang,1,3 Xiaohui Li,1,2 and Christopher J. Staiger1,2,3

CPK32 regulates cellulose biosynthesis through post-translational modification of cellulose synthase
Plant Science Research WeeklyCellulose in one of the most abundant polymers on the planet and is synthesized by plasma membrane-bound cellulose synthases (CESAs). Phosphorylation plays a role in CESA regulation, however the kinases which catalyse the phosphorylation are not well described. Here Xin et al. identified calcium-dependent…

Point mutations in the catalytic domain disrupt cellulose synthase vesicle trafficking and protein dynamics
Plant Science Research WeeklyCellulose is an important and useful biopolymer, present in plant cell walls and synthesized at the plasma membrane by protein complexes called cellulose synthase complexes (CSCs) composed of multimers of cellulose synthase (CESA). CESAs are embedded in the membrane and move along the membrane as they…

TTL bridges microtubules and cellulose synthase complexes
Plant Science Research WeeklyCellulose synthase (CESA) complexes (CSCs) synthesize the main polysaccharide component of plant primary cell wall, cellulose. The trafficking and dynamics of CSC are tightly regulated. Kesten et al. identified a new family of CSC- and microtubule-interacting proteins, named TETRATRICOPEPTIDE THIOREDOXIN-LIKE…