Stanislas Thiriet-Rupert: Plant Physiology First Author

Stanislas Thiriet-Rupert, first author of “Long term acclimation to cadmium exposure reveals extensive phenotypic plasticity in Chlamydomonas

Current Position: Postdoctoral Research Associate in UGB (Genetics of Biofilms Unit) at the Pasteur Institute, Paris.

Education: B.Sc., M.Sc. in Biology at the University of Le Mans (France). PhD in Marine Biology at the University of Le Mans (France) and in the Physiology and Biotechnology of Algae (PBA) laboratory at the IFREMER of Nantes (France).

Non-scientific Interests: Basketball (GO Celtic’s, GO!!), reading, travelling and spending time with friends.

Brief bio:

As far as I remember I have always been fascinated by the diversity of nature and organisms we saw during the huge walks we used to do with my father. Therefore, I naturally decided to follow this path during my education at the University of Le Mans (France) and my PhD during which I studied the role of transcription factors in carbon partitioning induced by a nitrogen deprivation in a haptophyte alga. While my education was more wet lab oriented, I discovered bioinformatics during my PhD and loved the fun, the power and the world of possibilities offered by this field. I took the opportunity to complete my profile and develop my bioinformatic skills during my PhD as well as my first postdoctoral experience at the University of Liège (Belgium) under the supervision of Dr. Marc Hanikenne. At the same time, I also discovered experimental evolution, which fueled my interest in understanding the complexity of mechanisms by which evolution plays with genetic variation. Currently working as a postdoc in the Genetic of Biofilms Unit at the Pasteur Institute (Paris, France), I keep investigating the mechanisms at play during adaptation but this time dealing with bacteria subjected to selection pressures such as antibiotic treatments.