Recognizing Plant Physiology first authors: Naomi Cox

Naomi Cox, first author of A novel upstream regulator of trichome development inhibitors

Current Position: PhD Candidate in Plant Molecular Biology at the University of Sheffield, UK and Visiting PhD Scholar at the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), The Philippines

Education: MBiolSci Genetics, The University of Sheffield, UK

Non-scientific Interests: Playing bass guitar, tattoos, cross-stitching and exploring the outdoors

Brief Bio: People often talk about having wanted to be a scientist from a young age, and I’m no exception – I even spent my work experience at fifteen doing electrophysiology experiments in a neuroscience lab! Having grown up learning about plants from my gardener dad and “helping” my mum with her Open University science coursework, it is perhaps unsurprising I’ve gone on to a plant science PhD. I’m really enjoying being able to apply my passion for molecular biology (and big data analysis!) to my project investigating early development in rice leaves. Spending time at IRRI in the Philippines has also given me a fresh outlook on the real-world impact science can have, and why it’s so important we keep sharing our work to help people reap the benefits! I am also working hard to advocate for diversity in STEM, and help run the Unique Scientists platform (, which highlights and celebrates those underrepresented in science.