Recognizing Plant Physiology first authors: Mohan Sharma

Mohan Sharma, first author of Glucose-regulated HLP1 acts as a key molecule in governing thermomemory

Current Position: Ph.D. student

Education: MSc

Non-scientific Interests:  Adventure sports, classical music, travelling

Brief bio: I was fortunate to join the group of Dr. Ashverya Laxmi, under whose mentorship I am currently pursuing PhD in Plant Molecular Biology at National Institute of Plant Genome Research, New Delhi (India). My PhD work mainly revolves around glucose-regulated stress adaptation and acclimation to heat stress. My broad research interests include stress biology, photobiology and epigenetics in shaping plant growth and development. I have keen interest in the subject, and acquired expertise in many experimental techniques related to chromatin biology, epigenetics, molecular and cellular biology, microscopy.