Recognizing Plant Physiology first authors: Laise Rosado-Souza

Laise Rosado-Souza, first author of Appropriate thiamin pyrophosphate levels are required for acclimation to changes in photoperiod

Current Position: Postdoctoral Researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Molecular Plant Physiology, Germany

Education: PhD in Molecular Plant Physiology at Max Planck Institute for Molecular Plant Physiology/Potsdam University, Germany and M.Sc. in Plant Physiology at Federal University of Viçosa, Brazil

Non-scientific Interests: Hiking, travelling, puzzling and eating

Brief bio: I grew up on a small farm surrounded by animals and plants. Although I still like both, my fascination for plants was always bigger. Understanding more and more about how these organisms transform sunlight, during my undergraduate studies, led me to an internship in the Plant Physiology Department. There I worked with Brazilian native species and also crop plants from an ecophysiology point of view. In my master, I learned about the wonders of natural variability and slowly moved to plant metabolism. Realizing that metabolism is “just” a dynamic puzzle increased my curiosity for the topic. During my PhD, I used Arabidopsis to understand how metabolism changes upon environmental and metabolic perturbations. We learned how important the correct levels of vitamin B1 (thiamin pyrophosphate) are for metabolic flexibility. I am happy we found another little piece of the plant metabolic puzzle and I am looking forward to the next ones.