Recognizing Plant Physiology first authors: Kevin Begcy

Kevin Begcy, first author of Male Sterility in Maize after Transient Heat Stress during the Tetrad Stage of Pollen Development

Current position: Assistant Professor, University of Florida

Education: Ph.D. in Plant Breeding and Genetics, University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

Non-scientific interest: Sports, travel

Brief bio: I am interested in understanding plant adaptation to abiotic and biotic stresses in cereals. The study of stress responses in cereals in the context of reproductive development has the potential to greatly improve our understanding on how to enhance their tolerance under diverse stress conditions. For the last 3 years, I have been exploring the impact of heat stress on pollen development. In our manuscript, we showed how short moderate heat stress during the highly susceptible tetrad stage especially affects basic metabolic pathways and thus generates germination defective pollen, ultimately leading to severe yield losses in maize.


Male Sterility in Maize after Transient Heat Stress during the Tetrad Stage of Pollen Development 的第一作者。



