Recognizing Plant Physiology authors: Qingpei Liu

Qingpei Liu, co-first author of Heat Stress Interferes with Formation of Double-Strand Breaks and Homolog Synapsis in Arabidopsis thaliana

Current Position: Assistant professor, South-Central University for Nationalities

Education: PhD, Huazhong Agricultural University

Non-scientific Interests: music and sports

Brief introduction: I started my scientific career in Huazhong Agricultural University, where I pursued my PhD. During my PhD study, I joined Dr. Istvan Molnar lab in the University of Arizona as a joint PhD student by the support of China Scholarship Council for two years. Now I am working in the School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, South-Central University for Nationalities. I collaborate with Dr. Bing Liu working on the study of genetic mechanisms controlling male meiosis and recombination in Arabidopsis. Specifically, we are trying to uncover the underpinning mechanisms of how male meiosis in plants senses and responds to environmental temperature changes, and the dynamic interactions among DSB formation factors and meiotic recombinases.






个人简介:我在华中农业大学开启了科学研究生涯并取得了工学博士学位。读博期间,我获得国家留学基金委资助,以联合培养博士生身份在美国亚利桑那大学Istvan Molnar教授实验室学习两年。目前,我在中南民族大学药学院工作,并与刘冰博士合作,从事拟南芥雄性减数分裂同源重组领域的研究。我们目前的主要研究方向为植物雄性减数分裂和同源重组响应环境温度变化的分子机制,以及催化DSB形成的关键蛋白与重组酶之间的动态互作机制。