Recognizing Plant Physiology authors: Jing Lu

Jing Lu, first author of The nucellus: between cell elimination and sugar transport

Current Position: PhD student at Institut Jean-Pierre Bourgin (IJPB), Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRAE, Versailles), and also at the University of Paris-Sud in France

Education: PhD (2016) in Plant Molecular Biology at Institut Jean-Pierre Bourgin (IJPB), Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRAE, Versailles), and also at the University of Paris-Sud in France; MS (2013) in Life Science, LanZhou University in China

Non-scientific Interests: hiking, traveling, shopping and karaoke with friends

Brief bio: I remember the first time I started to get interested in plant science. I was playing a game with my friends to identify the plants by just observing the leaves. I was deeply impressed by the diversity of plant morphology, so I decided to take the major of biology of science in my university studies. After finishing my B.Sc., I pursued my master’s degree in the lab of Dr. Jianquan Liu at Lanzhou University in China to investigate the abiotic stress tolerance mechanisms of Populus euphratica. I love to see my tissue regenerated bud growing into a plant. After that, I wanted to continue my further study on plant science abroad. Luckily, I got an offer to earn my Ph.D. with Dr. Enrico Magnani in the team of Chromatin dynamics and signalling. During my Ph.D., we worked on seed tissue and nutrient partitioning to understand the role of the nucellus in seed development. In the meantime, I have obtained a solid foundation for science research through a 4-year theoretical and practical training. In this paper, we mainly investigated the nucellus works as the first but a short-term sugar sink tissue and provide sugar to zygotic tissues in a novel path of sugar transport in the Arabidopsis seed and describes its link to the nucellus cell-elimination program. The work we have done really encouraged me and gave me confidence to move on in science. I am deeply grateful to my Ph.D. supervisor, who had faith in me and gave me this great opportunity to pursue science.



目前所在职位:法国国家农业科学院INRAE, IJPB研究所;巴黎第十一大学,博士

教育经历:2016-2020法国国家农业科学院INRAE, IJPB研究所以及巴黎第十一大学,博士; 2013-2016 兰州大学,硕士

兴趣爱好:爬山,旅游, 购物, 唱歌

个人简介:记忆中对植物科学开始感兴趣源于一次与朋友的游戏, 我们通过观察叶子来辨认植物,在那以后我就深深的爱上了植物科学,并在选择本科专业为生命科学。之后,我进入了兰州大学刘健全老师的课题组,研究胡杨的抗逆境胁迫机制,我最喜爱的实验是组培接种我的小幼芽并看它们一天天成长为一颗独立的树。之后,我希望能去国外学习,并很幸运的进入了Enrico Magnani教授的课题组, 在博士期间我主要研究珠心的发育对种子的营养分配和结构的作用。四年的博士学习也使得我有扎实的实验基础以及锻炼了我对课题的思考能力。在这篇文章中,我们主要研究了珠心是在拟南芥种子中首个糖储存的部位,但这是短暂的,这些储存的糖会通过一条全新的糖运输途径而最终运输到受精组织中,此外我们还阐述了珠心在营养储存和运输的作用与珠心组织凋亡机制的联系。我非常感谢我的导师能给我机会做这个课题,这个工作给了我很大的信心继续在科研的道路上前进。