Recognizing Plant Physiology authors: Andrea Paterlini

Andrea Paterlini, first author of Computational tools for serial block electron microscopy reveal plasmodesmata distributions and wall environments

Current Position: Graduate student at the Sainsbury Laboratory – University of Cambridge

Education: BSc with Honours (Plant Sciences) – University of Edinburgh

Non-scientific Interests: travelling, reading, tv series, trekking

Brief bio: I have been fascinated by plasmodesmata, the small pores connecting neighbouring plant cells, for a very long time. While I was an undergraduate student at the University of Edinburgh, in parallel to my courses, I started working in the laboratory of Prof. Karl Oparka. There, I focused on long distance transport in the phloem, a specialised tissue in plants, and the plasmodesmata that control such transport. I have a great debt with Karl as his enthusiasm for research was contagious and fuelled my own passion. Ultimately, we developed novel imaging approaches (also published in Plant physiology). For my PhD I moved to the University of Cambridge, in the groups of Prof. Yka Helariutta and Prof. Ottoline Leyser, to look at factors influencing plasmodesmata structure and function. The project we are now publishing in Plant physiology is close to my heart: it is a brainchild of mine, developed as a side aspect of my PhD. I need to thank Yka for his full trust in me on this project. The work would have also not been possible without an extremely rewarding collaboration with Ilya Belevich, a friend and colleague at the University of Helsinki. In the publication, we provide novel computational tools and approaches to quantitatively study aspects of plasmodesmata (distributions, densities and surrounding wall environments). We hope these tools will be useful for the plasmodesmata (and broader) community.


姓名:Andrea Paterlini




简介:很长一段时间以来,我一直对胞间连丝(连接周围植物细胞的小孔)十分着迷。当我在爱丁堡大学攻读本科上课的同时,我也开始在Karl Oparka教授的实验室工作。在那儿,我专注于韧皮部的长途运输,韧皮部是植物中的一种特殊组织,而控制这种运输的胞间连丝也是如此。Karl对研究的热情非常具有感染力,这也激发了我自己的热情。最终,我们开发了新颖的成像方法(也发表在《植物生理学》上)。之后,我在剑桥大学攻读博士学位,同时加入了Yka Helariutta教授和Ottoline Leyser教授的研究组,研究影响胞间连丝结构和功能的因素。我们现在在植物生理学领域发表的这个项目是我博士课题中的一个小课题,也是我心之所属,因为这展现了我的创造力。我要感谢Yka在这个项目上对我的完全信任,同时也要感谢赫尔辛基大学的朋友和同事Ilya Belevich,因为如果没有与Ilya进行非常有益的合作,就不可能完成这项工作。在出版物中,我们提供了新颖的计算工具和方法来定量研究胞间连丝的各个方面(分布,密度和围墙环境​​)。我们希望这些工具对研究胞间连丝有用并有更广泛的用途。