Recognizing Plant Physiology authors: An Quoc Pham

An Quoc Pham, first author of Arabidopsis Lectin Receptor Kinase P2K2 is a second plant receptor for extracellular ATP and contributes to innate immunity

Current posotion: Post-Doctoral Research Assistant, University of Missouri – Columbia, Columbia, MO, USA

Education: PhD in plant Sciences, University of Missouri – Columbia, Columbia, MO, USA

Non-scientific interests: pets, sports, music, and teaching

Brief bio: An grew up at the center of the farming area in South Vietnam. He received his Bachelor of Science in Biotechnology in 2011, University of Sciences, Vietnam. After his short internship at POSTECH, Korean, and charmed by molecular biology in plants, he applied the USA government fellowship, Vietnam Education Foundation (VEF) and had a good chance to work with Dr. Gary Stacey, University of Missouri – Columbia. An was focusing on understanding the mechanism of extracellular nucleotide perception in plants. In 2019, he received his PhD in Plant Sciences. Now, he is a Post-Doctoral Research Assistant in Dr. Minviluz (Bing) Stacey’s lab.