Recognizing Plant Direct authors: Ze-Hua Guo

Ze-Hua Guo, first author of Arabidopsis cytosolic acyl-CoA-binding proteins function in determining seed oil composition

Current Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam, Hong Kong, China

 Education: PhD in Plant Molecular Biology at the University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong, China), BSc Tsinghua University (Beijing, China)

Non-scientific Interests: music, gym workout, games

Brief bio: During college, I developed an interest in plants and joined a project on the metabolism of stressed rice plants in Tsinghua. With added interest in structural biology, I enrolled as a PhD student at the University of Hong Kong (HKU). My investigations on plant acyl-CoA-binding proteins have used reverse genetics, biochemical methods and structural biology. After my PhD graduation, I have continued my study on acyl-CoA-binding proteins in plant lipid metabolism as a postdoctoral fellow at HKU.


郭泽华, 标题为Arabidopsis cytosolic acyl-CoA-binding proteins function in determining seed oil composition.” 的第一作者

现任职位: 博士后研究员, 香港大学, 薄扶林, 香港特别行政区, 中华人民共和国

受教育情况: 香港大学植物分子生物学博士 (香港, 中国), 清华大学理学学士 (北京,中国

除科研以外的爱好: 音乐, 健身, 游戏

个人简介: 在清华本科就读期间,我对植物学萌生了兴趣,由此参与了一个针对受胁迫水稻体内代谢情况的研究课题。其后源于对结构生物学的兴趣,我作为交叉学科博士研究生入读香港大学。我的博士研究课题是,通过逆向转基因,生化实验以及结构生物学方法研究植物酰基结合蛋白(Acyl-CoA-Binding Protein, ACBP)的功能。获得博士学位之后,我决定在香港大学作为一名博士后研究员继续研究ACBP和植物脂类代谢。