Recognizing Plant Cell authors: Dongbo Shi

Dongbo Shi, first author of Tissue-specific transcriptome profiling of the Arabidopsis inflorescence stem reveals local cellular signatures

Current Position: Postdoctoral Researcher, Centre for Organismal Studies (COS), Heidelberg University, Germany

Education: PhD in Life Science from Kyoto University Graduate School of Biostudies, Japan (Uemura lab), based on the studies in National Institute for Basic Biology (NIBB), Japan (Fujimori lab)

Non-scientific Interests: Cello, Shogi (Japanese chess), baseball

Brief bio: During my undergraduate education, Faculty of Science at Kyoto University did not ask us to choose a major, so I enjoyed a variety of scientific classes ranging from physics to geoscience. To be honest, I did not get a very nice grade in Biology at exams as biology was not nicely systemized, full of exceptions and hard to remember the details. However, when it was time to choose my own research topic, biology was most attractive to me as there are numerous questions that remain to be solved. If you ask three questions, one of the answers from professors in Biology will be “I’m not sure”.

From the last year of my undergraduate until I receive my PhD degree, I worked on morphogenesis using mouse oviduct epithelium as a model, supervised by Prof. Dr. Tadashi Uemura (Kyoto University) and Prof. Dr. Toshihiko Fujimori (NIBB). Again, I was exposed to a wide variety of science including plant and animal developmental biology at both institutes. As the grass is always greener on the other side, after I receive my degree, I changed my focus from animal to plant development and joined Prof. Dr. Thomas Greb’s group at COS Heidelberg in 2016.

During this project, I was excited to see all the talents and knowledge from all my colleagues get together and make fruitful progress. The computer skills I learned during my physics classes also unexpectedly helped my bioinformatic analysis . I really hope the research community will benefit from our dataset and methodology as we have, and I can unravel regulatory mechanisms of the secondary growth in the near future.


姓名:石 東博

目前职位: 德国海德堡大学生物研究中心 (COS) 博士后

教育经历: 日本京都大学大学院生命科学研究科 生物科学博士(2014年)



从大四到我博士毕业,我在京都大学大学院生命科学研究科的上村匡教授和基础生物研究所的藤森俊彦教授的指导下,以老鼠输卵管上皮作为材料,研究了形态建成机制。博士在读阶段,在大学院和研究所我广泛地涉猎了各个领域,包括动物和植物的发育学。2016年博士毕业后,我远渡欧洲加入了德国海德堡大学生物研究中心 Thomas Greb教授的团队,也将我的研究重心转到植物发育学。
