Qianwen Wang: Plant Physiology First Author

Qianwen WANG, co-first author of “Wildsoydb DataHub: an online platform for accessing soybean multiomic datasets across multiple reference genomes” 

Current Position: Lecturer at School of Basic Medical Sciences, Southern Medical University.

Education: PhD in The Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Non-scientific interests: traveling, water sports, painting and music.

Brief bio: I received my Ph.D. from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. During my Ph.D. in Prof. Lam Hon-Ming’s lab, I specialized in bioinformatics and genomics. Here, we built an online data hub website based on four high-quality soybean reference genomes (dataHub.wildsoydb.org). We believe that this website will benefit all soybean scientists by allowing them to explore more about the fascinating soybean.


姓名: 王倩雯




个人简历:我在香港中文大学获得了博士学位(https://www.treywea.top)。博士期间在林汉明教授的指导下,主要从事有关重要的经济作物大豆的生物信息学和表观遗传学的相关研究。在Plant Physiology文章中,我们基于多个高质量大豆基因组,搭建部署了以用户为中心的大豆多组学数据网站。该网站还提供了许多便捷且简单操作的生物信息分析套件,我们相信该网站将为从事大豆研究的科学家们提供了高效的探索大豆。