Plant Biology Journal Database: 160+ Top journals in the field of Plant Biology

Science is shared and disseminated by many different means, but few have the impact of publishing in a peer-reviewed journal. It provides a level of credibility and potentially helps push the edge of knowledge further. However, the act of publishing may be a daunting task to some, starting with the question of which journal should I publish in? Which journal is the best fit for my research? With hundreds of journals out there, it can be hard to narrow it down.

That is why we have created this Plant Biology Journal Database. This database has over 160 of some of the top journals in the field of Plant Biology that you can refer to when writing or when choosing a journal to publish in. This idea, generated by Sunil K. Kenchanmane Raju (Outgoing Chair – ASPB Ambassador Alliance), was to provide a wide-ranging directory of plant-related journals with information about each, including its discipline, impact factor, associated society, access level, publisher, and editorial board contact information. The information was collected and put together by Brianna Griffin (ASPB Ambassador) and Amina Yaqoob (Secretary – ASPB Ambassador Alliance). They worked to include all the relevant information about these journals and, in addition, also checked this list through Beall’s List of Potential Predatory Journals and Publishers. Furthermore, some of the ASPB Ambassadors contributed to further reviewing and rechecking of this database. We hope you find this to be a useful attempt to make the information easier to find and use, and the start of the publication process less daunting.

This list is sectioned into two with society-affiliated journals first with non-society journals after, ordered by impact factor. The publication charges/fees information is not included due to varying degrees of data, however, the journal contact information is provided for all such inquiries. Let us know if you have any suggestions for further inclusion in this directory.

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