Recognizing Plant Physiology first authors: Philip Berg

Philip Berg, first author of Proteome-wide analysis of cysteine reactivity during the effector-triggered immunity

Current position: Ph.D. student; Biochemistry, Bioinformatics, and Systems Biology, Mississippi State University

Education: MSc in Genomics and Systems biology, BSc in Plant Biology

Non-scientific Interests: My dog.

Brief bio: During my early education in plant biology, I developed a deep interest in plant biochemistry and physiology. It excited me that we could know how certain plant phenotypic phenomena and traits could be attributed to specific molecular events. As I learned and understood these aspects of plant biology, I realized the importance of mathematical and computational contributions to this end. Currently, I’m working with Drs. George and Sorina Popescu to elucidate the role of the thimet oligopeptidases TOP1 and TOP2, and the contributions of redox-mediated signaling pathways in Arabidopsis immune response. For this purpose, we combine empirical work with mathematical and statistical modeling to predict and mine patterns in this model system.​