Paula Vacs: Plant Physiology First Author

Paula Vacs, first author of “HYPONASTIC LEAVES 1 is required for proper establishment of auxin gradient in apical hooks”

Current Position: PhD Student, Laboratory of Biophysics of Molecular Recognition, Institute of Molecular and Cellular Biology of Rosario (IBR), School of Biochemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, National University of Rosario.

Education: Degree in Biotechnology, School of Biochemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, National University of Rosario.

Non-scientific Interests: Photography, swimming, baking.

Brief bio:

In 2019 I joined the Biophysics of Molecular Recognition Lab at IBR under the direction of Dr. Nahuel González Schain and since then I’ve been studying the role of auxins in the control of skotomorphogenic development of Arabidopsis thaliana mediated by HYL1 protein. Skotomorphogenesis is the process that seedlings carry out once they germinate in the dark, and its regulation is crucial for seedling survival. In our publication we have shown that the protein HYL1 is necessary for the proper establishment of auxin gradient in the apical hook and thus, necessary to ensure a correct skotomorphogenic development. Currently, as one of my thesis aims, we focus on understanding how HYL1 protein is involved in the regulation of auxin biology during the early development of Arabidopsis.