Pan-transcriptomic analysis reveals mechanisms regulating crop cold responses

Zhong, Luo, Sun, et al.

Yuanyuan Zhong, Guangxi University; Yuhong Luo, Guangxi University; Jinliang Sun, Guangxi University; Xuemei Qin, Guangxi University; Ping Gan, Guangxi University; Zuwen Zhou, Guangxi University; Yongqing Qian, Guangxi University; Rupeng Zhao, Guangxi University; Zhiyuan Zhao, Guangxi University; Wenguo Cai, Guangxi University; Jijing Luo, Guangxi University; Ling-Ling Chen, Guangxi University; Jiaming Song, Southwest University.

Background: Cold stress significantly affects rice (Oryza sativa) growth, development, and productivity. Understanding the mechanisms that regulate stress responses in important crops like rice can help improve grain yield and plant stress resilience. One important regulatory mechanism is alternative splicing, a crucial post-transcriptional process in eukaryotes. In AS, the pre-mRNA from a single gene can produce multiple distinct mature mRNA isoforms, which can produce distinct proteins or undergo distinct regulation. Alternative splicing plays a key role in regulating plant responses to abiotic stress, contributing to increased resistance.

Question: Does alternative splicing have an important effect on cold stress responses in rice?

Findings: To answer this question, we constructed a rice pan-transcriptome combining transcriptome data from 11 rice lines under cold stress and characterized the transcriptional regulatory landscape of the cold response. This revealed that alternative splicing has a major influence on the cold stress response in rice. Further investigation confirmed the potential of two genes, OsCATC and Os03g0701200, as targets that could be used to enhance cold tolerance in rice by genetic engineering. Moreover, we demonstrated that splicing factors OsRS33 and OsRS2Z38 play pivotal roles in conferring cold tolerance to rice plants. Based on our evaluation of the cold tolerance of 165 rice cultivars and analysis of resequencing data for these cultivars, we propose that domestication-driven selection of the splicing factor gene OsRS2Z38 affected the adaptive evolution of Asian cultivated rice with respect to cold stress tolerance.

Next steps: Building upon these findings, our upcoming studies will elucidate the functional roles and precise regulatory mechanisms of key splicing factors in modulating cold-induced alternative splicing in rice.


Yuanyuan Zhong, Yuhong Luo, Jinliang Sun, Xuemei Qin, Ping Gan, Zuwen Zhou, Yongqing Qian, Rupeng Zhao, Zhiyuan Zhao, Wenguo Cai, Jijing Luo, Ling-Ling Chen, Jia-Ming Song (2024). Pan-transcriptomic analysis reveals alternative splicing control of cold tolerance in rice.


背景回顾:植物已经进化出复杂的机制来适应恶劣的环境条件,研究水稻等重要作物的适应性演化遗传规律能为现代作物实现增产抗逆提供新策略。冷胁迫严重影响水稻的各种生理过程,抑制其生长发育和经济产量。可变剪接(Alternative splicing,AS)是真核生物中重要的转录后调控机制,能够让单个基因转录产生的前体mRNA形成结构不同的成熟mRNA。已报道 AS 调节许多非生物胁迫反应从而促进植物抗逆性。然而,关于AS在水稻中如何参与冷胁迫反应的信息十分有限,AS调控对作物适应性演化的贡献也鲜有报道。


