Oriane Morel: Plant Physiology First Author

Oriane Morel, first author of “REPRISAL: Mapping lignification dynamics using chemistry, data segmentation, and ratiometric analysis”

Current Position:  PhD student at the University of Lille (France) and the BOKU university of Vienna (Austria)

Education: Master in Transformation and Valorisation of Natural Resources (University of Picardie/Compiègne (France)

Non-scientific Interests:  Reading

Brief bio: My name is Oriane Morel and I’m a PhD student in the field of Molecular and Cellular aspects of Biology and Biophysics. I am currently working on characterizing the spatial distribution of lignin in plant cell walls. For this I am using a triple bioorthogonal labelling strategy to map the incorporation of monolignol reporters into different cell wall layers. I am also using RAMAN spectroscopy to study the overall composition of the cell wall.