Mingqin Chang: The Plant Cell First Author

Mingqin Chang, first author of “COPII Sec23 proteins form isoform-specific endoplasmic reticulum exit sites with differential effects on polarized growth”

Current Position: Postdoc scholar at University of California Davis, US

Education: Ph.D University of Massachusetts Amherst, MA, US

Non-scientific Interests: hiking, camping, gardening

Brief bio:

After I finished my undergraduate study, I decided to focus on the very basic level, the molecular and cellular level, to understand how plants maintain their growth and development. I joined the Haiyun Ren lab at Beijing Normal University to study how actin cytoskeleton contributes to maintain the tip growth pattern of Arabidopsis pollen tubes. During this study, I learnt the challenges and difficulties of genetic modification in Arabidopsis thaliana. I would like to try an easier system to study scientific questions on plants. I joined the Bezanilla Lab at University of Massachusetts Amherst and worked on moss Physcomitrella patens. During my PhD study, my colleagues and I had developed CRISPR-Cas9 mediated genome editing and homology-directed repair for moss, which made moss even better for plant cell biological study. Taking advantage of the system, I conducted my research on COPII components Sec23 and Sec24, and investigated their roles on moss tip growth. After obtaining my PhD degree,  I joined the Drakakaki Lab at University of California Davis to explore my scientific journey in endomembrane trafficking.






