Jingru Li: Plant Physiology First Author

Jingru Li, first author of “BASIC PENTACYSTEINE2 fine-tunes corm dormancy release in Gladiolus”

Education: Ph.D. student in the Department of Ornamental Horticulture at China Agricultural University (since September 2022).

Non-scientific Interests: Gourmet and traveling

Brief bio: My current research interests mainly focus on the dormancy in geophytes in the terms of cis– and trans– regulation. In September 2019, I became a Master’s student in the laboratory of Prof. Jian Wu at China Agricultural University. Then in September 2022, I transferred to be a Ph.D. student and kept my research on corm dormancy in Gladiolus. I am very lucky to have presided over a scientific research project, the Research Innovation Fund for Graduate Students, supported by China Agricultural University. To date, I have published a research article in Horticulture Research as a co-first author and several articles as a co-author such as Plant Cell, Plant Journal, and Genes.




个人简介:目前我的研究方向为球根植物休眠的调控机制,涉及转录因子调控和表观调控两方面。2019年9月,我以硕士研究生身份在中国农业大学吴健副教授实验室开展科学研究。于2022年9月,以硕博连读生身份继续从事唐菖蒲球茎休眠研究。我有幸主持中国农业大学研究生自主创新研究基金项目1项。迄今,我以共同第一作者身份还在Horticulture Research期刊发表1篇研究论文,并以参与作者身份在Plant CellPlant JournalGenes等期刊发表多篇论文。