Jennifer Noble: Plant Physiology First Author

Jennifer Noble, co-first author of “Evolutionary analysis of the LORELEI gene family in plants reveals regulatory subfunctionalization”

Current Position: Scientist, HTG Molecular Diagnostics, Inc., Tucson, Arizona

Education: Ph.D. (in Plant Science), B.Sc. (in Plant Sciences and Molecular and Cellular Biology)

Non-scientific Interests: Watercolor painting, baking, and board games

Brief bio:

As a Ph.D. student, I received the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship and was a participant the Integrative Graduate Education Research and Traineeship (IGERT) Program in Comparative Genomics at the University of Arizona. I studied the evolution and transcriptional regulation of genes involved in pollen tube reception and pollen tube growth arrest. During my graduate studies, I cultivated a passion for outreach to my community through the Society for the Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS) and the Southern Arizona Research, Science and Engineering Foundation (SARSEF). These academic and outreach experiences inspired my Ph.D. research with Dr. Ravishankar Palanivelu. The Palanivelu lab is studying the varying roles of the LORELEI signaling complex in Arabidopsis and tomato reproduction to overcome reproductive hybridization barriers and develop new tomato varieties that are high yielding under heat stress.