Hong Liao: The Plant Cell First Author

Hong Liao, co-first author of Delphinieae flowers originated from the rewiring of interactions between duplicated and diversified floral organ identity and symmetry genes

Current Position: Associate Professor, School of Ecology and Environmental Science, Yunnan University, China

Education: Ph.D. at Institute of Botany, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

Non-scientific Interests: Mountaineering, jogging, and travelling

Brief bio: My interest in the diversity of angiosperms began since I was a graduate student, when I worked on the evaluation of genetic diversity of potato varieties. In 2012, I became a Ph.D. candidate of Prof. Hongzhi Kong. My research was mainly focused on the morphology, molecular development and ecological function of pseudonectaries on Nigella damascena petals. After receiving my Ph.D. in 2018, I started my postdoctoral research in Prof. Kong’s lab. I extended my study to the nectaries on N. damascena petals, and found that the STYLISH gene family members might play key roles in nectary development of N. damascena. In 2020, I moved to Yunnan University as an associate professor. Currently, I am using Roscoea as a model system to explore the molecular mechanisms underlying the development and evolution of the highly specialized flowers in Zingiberaceae.



发表论文:Delphinieae flowers originated from the rewiring of interactions between duplicated and diversified floral organ identity and symmetry genes



