Guo Yun Wang: Plant Physiology First Author

Guo Yun Wang, first author of “Multivariate analysis compares and evaluates drought and flooding tolerances of maize germplasm”

Current Position: PhD Student, College of Agriculture, Guangxi University, Guangxi, Nanning 530004, China


09/2020–Today: Guangxi University, Crop Science, PhD student

09/2012–06/2015: Shandong Agricultural University, Crop Cultivation and Tillage, Master’s degree

09/2008–06/2012: Shandong Agricultural University, Horticulture, Bachelor’s degree

Non-scientific Interests: Yoga

Brief bio:

Water utilization of field crops has been my research direction in the group of Professor Xun Bo Zhou science the year of 2012, in which, the physiological mechanism of crop drought and flooding tolerances have been mainly focused on. Extreme drought and flooding stresses have severely restricted maize yield in South Asia. In the study, drought- and flooding-tolerant maize varieties had been accurately screened by comprehensive analysis method. The regulation network for drought and waterlogging tolerances in maize can be further researched from the aspects of the physiology, biochemistry and gene based on the result of evaluation in maize germplasm, and the differential regulation mechanisms between drought and flooding tolerances in maize will be clarified.

论文:Multivariate analysis compares and evaluates drought and flooding tolerances of maize germplasm








