Dan Tang: Plant Physiology First Author

Dan Tang, co-first author of “Agave REVEILLE1 regulates the onset and release of seasonal dormancy in Populus

Current Position: Doctoral candidate, College of horticulture, Hunan Agricultural University; Visiting scholar, Department of Plant Science and Landscape Architecture, University of Connecticut.

Education: Successive postgraduate and doctoral programs of study in Hunan Agricultural University in 2015-2022

Non-scientific Interests: Reading, photographing, and sewing

Brief bio:

After completing my successive postgraduate and doctoral courses at Hunan Agricultural University, I started my research work as a joint training Ph.D. student at the University of Connecticut (UConn) in 2018. Since then my research has centered on the growth and development of poplar, as well as the improvement of citrus rootstock. In this poplar research, with Dr. Yi Li’s guidance and support, we planted the wild-type and AaRVE1 transgenic poplar plants in the field of UConn for years, and I found out and confirmed the delayed dormancy and early bud release phenotypes of the AaRVE1 transgenic poplar plants in the field condition.