Stealth mode: How Rhodanobacter R179 evades plant immunity
Plant Science Research WeeklyThe soil microbiome harbors a vast diversity of microorganisms that can be pathogenic, beneficial, or commensal to plants. A fundamental question in plant biology is how plants actively detect, differentiate, and optimize their associations with the microbiome to maintain optimal fitness. In a recent…

Perspective: How should the advancement of large language models affect the practice of science?
Plant Science Research Weekly
Perspective: How should the advancement of large language models affect the practice of science?
In this thought-provoking Perspective, four sets of authors express their opinions about the use of Large Language Models (such as ChatGPT) in the practice of science. Each essay is well reasoned,…

Apoplastic pH acts as a chemical switch in plants by modulating H2O2 redox potential
Plant Science Research WeeklyEnvironmental stimuli, such as drought and salinity, alter cellular conditions including apoplastic pH (pHApo) in plants. These stimuli often lead to an elevation in pHApo which is closely associated with cell functions and plant growth. However, the mechanism behind is largely unexplored. A recent study…

Diversity and genetic basis of hydropatterning in inbred maize lines
Plant Science Research WeeklyFor more than a hundred years, plant biologists have been fascinated by how plants sense and respond to environments that are spatially and temporally heterogenous. Many of these responses occur through the remarkable developmental plasticity of plant growth, such as phototropism and photomorphogenesis.…

Healing Plants: how bacterial cellulose boosts plant regeneration
Plant Science Research WeeklyHave you ever placed a leaf from a Monstera plant in a glass of water and watched it grow new roots, forming a new plant? This happens because plants have a much greater ability to regenerate their tissues compared to animals. Recently, in Ruiz-Solaní et al., Spanish researchers have found a way to…

ATP-citrate lyase B1 regulates pollen development in Arabidopsis
Plant Science Research WeeklyThe genetic regulation of male fertility in Arabidopsis thaliana involves multiple factors, including ATP-Citrate Lyase (ACL), a key enzyme in cytoplasmic acetyl-CoA production. The thermosensitive male-sterile mutant reversible male sterile-2 (rvms-2) exhibits normal fertility at low temperatures but…

Symbiotic secrets: A multi-omics exploration of the lichen Xanthoria parietina
Plant Science Research WeeklyLichens are complex symbiotic organisms formed by algae or cyanobacteria living within the filaments of multiple fungal species. This unique partnership, which is both stable and self-replicating across generations, represents one of the most successful lifestyle strategies in the biological world. Lichens…

Finding balance: How plants achieve signal specificity in stomatal development and defense
Plant Science Research WeeklyPlants need to develop and grow within their environment whilst defending themselves against potential external threats. There are limited resources for these energy-intensive processes and so cross-talk is common between the signalling pathways to find balance between growth and defence. Hermann et…

Tomato PR1 protein prevents the fungal effector FolSvp2 from suppressing SlISP-mediated ROS production
Plant Science Research WeeklyPlants and pathogens are locked in a co-evolutionary arms race. Pathogens secrete effectors into plants, leading to effector-triggered susceptibility. Plants in turn respond through the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and the expression of defence-related genes to defend themselves, which…