Decreasing readability in scientific papers over time
Education, Plant Science Research Weekly, Research“Reporting science clearly and accurately is a fundamental part of the scientific process, facilitating both the dissemination of knowledge and reproducibility of results.” In this way, Plavén-Sigray et al. introduce us to their preprint in which they analyzed readability in over 700,000 abstracts…

Canopy near-infrared reflectance and terrestrial photosynthesis
Plant Science Research Weekly, Research0 Comments
A model is only as good as the data that go into it (garbage in, garbage out), so any effort to improve remote sensing data will contribute to better global models. Badgley et al. describe a new parameter, near-infrared reflectance of vegetation (NIRV), that more accurately quantifies photosynthesis…

Living on the edge: conservation genetics of seven thermophilous plant species in a high Arctic archipelago
Plant Science Research Weekly, ResearchThe Arctic provides numerous opportunities to study how climate change and isolation affect plant populations. Birkeland et al. queried the genetic diversity within isolated populations of seven heat-loving (thermophilous) species in the high Arctic (74° – 81° N) Svalbard Archipelago, near the well-known…

Academic research in the 21st century: Maintaining scientific integrity in a climate of perverse incentives and hypercompetition
Plant Science Research WeeklyIn recent years it has become clear that misconduct in the scientific community is pervasive. In this recent publication by Edwards et al., the authors investigate the potential causes of this problem. Their conclusion is that due to decreased research funding from governments, development of quantitative…

Letter: Picking up the ball at the K/Pg boundary: Ancient polyploidies as a spandrel of asexuality
Plant Science Research Weekly, ResearchRoughly 66 million years ago Earth was hit by a huge asteroid, resulting in climate changes that led to mass extinctions, most famously of the non-avian dinosaurs. This catastrophic event, which marks the boundary between the Cretaceous (K) and Paleogene (Pg) periods, also caused widespread mass extinctions…

Review: The evo-devo of plant speciation
Plant Science Research Weekly, ResearchSpeciation events result from a combination of molecular, environmental and stochastic (random) factors. Several models developed in the last 150 years help to explain how species emerge, but more recently evolutionary developmental biology (evo-devo) approaches give us tools to decipher plant speciation.…

Review: Many shades of gray – The context-dependent performance of organic agriculture
Plant Science Research Weekly, Research“The benefits of organic agriculture are widely debated. Although some promote it as a solution to our sustainable food security challenges, others condemn it as a backward and romanticized version of agriculture that would lead to hunger and environmental devastation.” Seufert and Ramankutty address…

Threonine Phosphorylation Regulates Polar Localization of the Boric Acid Transporter NIP5;1 in Root Cells
Research, The Plant Cell: In BriefIN BRIEF by Gregory Bertoni [email protected]
Proper localization of proteins in the plasma membrane is critical for proper functioning of plant cells, but the underlying mechanisms are poorly understood (Łangowski et al, 2016). This is especially true for transporter proteins that move necessary…

Review: Chloroplast function revealed through analysis of GreenCut2 genes
Plant Science Research Weekly, ResearchOf the 3000 or so proteins housed in the chloroplast, we know the functions of only a few hundred. One approach to identify function is to first identify plastid proteins found exclusively in photosynthetic organisms. This subset, GreenCut2, is further subdivided by whether the proteins are found in…