Scientific American: All 2.3 Million Species Are Mapped into a Single Circle of Life
Education, GP Articles, Resources0 Comments
"Researchers from a dozen institutions recently completed a three-year effort to combine tens of thousands of trees into one diagram, most readable as a circle. The lines inside the circle represent all 2.3 million species that have been named. Biologists have genetic sequences for only about 5 percent…

Wheat blast disease: a deadly and baffling fungal foe
Blog, Education, ResourcesThis is a nice downloadable, printable fact-sheet from CIMMYT on Wheat Blast Disease that includes information on the key features of Wheat Blast, how to control it, where it is found in the world and its global significance, and a comprehensive references section for further reading.
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NABT inquiry, Mysterious Mycorrhizae?
Activities, Blog, EducationMysterious Mycorrhizae? A Field Trip & Classroom Experiment To Demystify the Symbioses Formed Between Plants & Fungi.
Published in the American Biology Teacher VOLUME 71, NO. 7, SEPTEMBER 2009 p 424 - 429. NANCY C. JOHNSON, V. BALA CHAUDHARY,

NABT Inquiry, Studying Plant–Rhizobium Mutualism in the Biology Classroom
Activities, Blog, EducationPublished in the American Biology Teacher, 2014 by Tomomi Suwa and Brad Williamson. Guided inquiry into how rhizobia affect soybean growth.
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Activity: Investigating the hormone auxin (IAA), a plant growth regulator (SAPS)
Activities, EducationThis protocol allows students to investigate the effects of the hormone auxin (Indole Acetic Acid or IAA) as a plant growth regulator, giving opportunities to look at auxiliary bud development, root development, and leaf abscission in Coleus. The method is suitable for independent investigations by students.…

APS (American Phytopathological Society) Education Center
Blog, Education, OrganizationsThe APS Education Center includes peer-reviewed publications, which constitute the online journal, The Plant Health Instructor, as well as additional resources for plant pathology education. Resources for a broad range of educational activities are available, including outreach to K-12 teachers, materials…

Case Study: How to read a paper in Plant Physiology
Blog, Education, ResourcesThis 17 page PDF guides the reader step-by-step through a paper published in Plant Physiology. The paper examines the genetics of flower color in pea and is attached as part of the PDF. The resources helps a student to understand the types of content found in various sections of a research article, and…

Epigenetics - The science behind the poster
Education, ResourcesThis introduction to epigenetic regulation in plants, with nice graphics, is suitable for high school students or older.
Source: Science and Plants for Schools
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The ant, the butterfly and their chemical warfare with an oregano plant (2015)
Education, ResourcesFrom PBS, 2015.
An engaging summary of a fascinating Open Access article - Plant defenses against ants provide a pathway to social parasitism in butterflies. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences. 282: 20151111.
Patricelli, D., Barbero, F., Occhipinti, A., Bertea, C.M.,…