Ten Simple Rules for Choosing between Industry and Academia
Careers, Finding Your Next Position, Postdocs0 Comments
One of the most significant decisions we face as scientists comes at the end of our formal education. Choosing between industry and academia is easy for some, incredibly fraught for others. The author has made two complete cycles between these career destinations, including on the one hand 16 years in…
Write a research proposal
Careers, Grant Writing, Skills and AdviceSome tips for writing a successful grant proposal from Vitae.
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Get that next job—how to break out of the postdoc trap
Careers, Finding Your Next Position, PostdocsIn the past, the majority of graduate students and postdoctoral researchers were focused on careers in academia. Times have changed, and many are now considering careers outside of academia and are aware of numerous exciting career opportunities in industry and nonprofit and government organizations.…
Research funding: 10 tips for writing a successful application
Careers, Grant Writing, Skills and AdviceSecuring funding through grant proposals can be a long and difficult process. Experts share their advice on how to help your applications succeed.
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Advice on applying to funding schemes
Careers, Grant Writing, Skills and AdviceThe following article was written for Research Fortnight by Dr Claire McNulty, Director Science and Research at the British Council, and provides advice on applying to funding schemes with particular relevance to the current call for workshop proposals under Researcher Links. The article first appeared…
General Tips on Writing a Competitive Grant Proposal & Preparing a Budget
Careers, Grant Writing, Skills and AdviceA federal grant is an award of financial assistance from a federal agency to a recipient to carry out a public purpose of support authorized by Federal law. Grants are subject to statutory, regulatory, and policy-based requirements, depending on the particular program. Federal agencies, including the…
Ten Simple Rules for Selecting a Postdoctoral Position
Careers, Finding Your Next Position, Graduate StudentsYou are a PhD candidate and your thesis defense is already in sight. You have decided you would like to continue with a postdoctoral position rather than moving into industry as the next step in your career (that decision should be the subject of another “Ten Simple Rules”). Further, you already…
Ten Simple Rules for Graduate Students
Careers, Finding Your Next Position, Graduate StudentsChoosing to go to graduate school is a major life decision. Whether you have already made that decision or are about to, now it is time to consider how best to be a successful graduate student. Here are some thoughts from someone who holds these memories fresh in her mind (JG) and from someone who has…
BBSRC research grants guide
Careers, Grant Writing, Skills and AdviceInformation on all aspects of funding through the BBSRC research grants, including eligibility and application procedures. From the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC).
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