Promoting Inclusivity in Conferences: Embracing Diversity and Equity in Knowledge Exchange
Blog, CommunityConferences serve as vital platforms for dissemination of research findings, networking, establishing collaborations, and facilitating professional development across various fields. However, most conferences have failed to prioritize inclusivity due to participation barriers and unequal representation.…
Review: The plant immune system: From discovery to deployment
Plant Science Research WeeklyA review of the past 50 years of plant immunity by Jones, Staskawicz, and Dangl? Yes please! I particularly enjoy historical perspectives of a discipline, as they frame conceptual breakthroughs with the benefit of hindsight. As the article lays out, understanding the plant immune system benefitted greatly…
Perspective: Exposing belowground plant communication
Plant Science Research WeeklyPlants possess a fascinating ability to communicate with each other through a complex system of chemical signals. Aboveground, they use airborne volatile signals to attract predatory insects, prime defenses in neighbors, facilitate nutrient transfer, and promote plant interactions. However, less is known…
Review: The genomic route to tomato breeding: Past, present, and future
Plant Science Research WeeklyWidely and abundantly eaten tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum) are delicious and nutritious, but the genetic diversity of cultivated tomatoes is quite narrow. In this review, Wang et al. give an overview of efforts to increase diversity, through introduction of genes from wild relatives and other approaches.…
Phylogenomic insights into angiosperm evolution
Plant Science Research WeeklyLow-resolution data can provide broad strokes but miss the details that come from greater information density. When striving to understand the multimillion-year evolutionary history of the angiosperms, more data certainly helps. Here, by focusing on a subset of 353 genes, Zuntini and Carruthers et al.…
Genomics from bean to cup: New insights into the history of Arabica coffee diversification
Plant Science Research WeeklyAs one of the most traded commodities in the world, coffee has cultural and economic impact that spans continents. The main source of coffee beans, Coffea arabica (Arabica), is a polyploid species that resulted from the hybridization between diploid C. canephora (Robusta) and C. eugenioides (Eugenioides).…
Genetic gains underpinning a little-known strawberry Green Revolution
Plant Science Research WeeklyThe domestication of cultivated strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa) traces back approximately 300 years, providing us with a relatively comprehensive genealogy of this artificial hybrid species. Strawberry yield in the US has increased by 2,755% since the 1960’s, largely owing to the California strawberry…
Enhanced super-resolution ribosome profiling unveils pervasive translation of upstream ORFs and small ORFs in Arabidopsis
Plant Science Research WeeklyIn recent years, the discovery that the translational regulation of many mRNAs is influenced by small upstream open reading frames (uORFs) has highlighted the importance of precisely identifying gene structures and translated ORFs to understand gene functions and cellular behavior. Using Arabidopsis,…
Heat stress promotes Arabidopsis AGO1 phase separation and association with stress granule components
Plant Science Research WeeklyA new article by Blagojevic, Baldrich, and Schiaffini et al. reveals that Arabidopsis ARGONAUTE1 (AGO1) protein, a pivotal agent in miRNA and siRNA-mediated gene silencing associated with the rough endoplasmic reticulum, dynamically localizes within stress granule components during heat stress (HS).…