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Entrepreneurships in Plant Science

Have you ever thought of creating your own company? More than ever, college graduates are considering entrepreneurship as a career option. A global scale survey in 2021, involving around 267,000 undergraduate and graduate students from 58 countries revealed that around 11% of the students already…

A MATE transporter regulates grain size in rice

Zhou et al. discover a molecular mechanism of rice grain size regulation. By Chunlei Zhou from Nanjing Agricultural University Background: Grain size is a key factor for determining grain yield. Many genes or quantitative trait loci (QTLs) that regulate…

Review: Stem cells for crop improvement

Plants, like animals, have small populations of stem cells capable of differentiating into other tissues, but in plants these stem cell populations are even more long-lived and versatile. Stem cells in plants include the meristems (shoot and root apical meristems, inflorescence and axillary meristems)…

Review: Salicylic acid in plant immunity and beyond

Salicylic acid (SA) is a pivotal natural compound in plant science and finds applications in herbal medicine; specifically, aspirin, the renowned anti-inflammatory drug and pain reliever, is a derivative of SA. As summarized in this review by Spoel and Dong, within plants SA serves as a crucial phytohormone…